RV14 Build January
Exp119 Mods
I wish I knew some of this before, but here we are. First change is to change the cowling attach plates. Now that the exhaust exits near the sides and not out the center channel the plates are too long and might cause interference.First one drilled out and nut plates removed, cut to size and deburred. The black was rattle can paint that I removed and primed the parts with AKZO.
Somehow I managed to cut the wrong side off one of the plates and had to fabricate a new one. This was actually kind of fun rather than waiting on Vans to ship a new part out.
Re-installing these is a little tricky under the engine mount. There isn't enough clearance to use the squeezer so I had to use the rivet gun and bucking bar. Definitely a tight spot.
Getting ready to rivet.
Next the plans have you "not rivet" these areas, but since the build is well past this point I had to drill these out. I'm waiting on the FWF kit to make sure the holes in the "cowl flap" metal parts line up before I drill these holes out larger for nut plates. Riveting the most aft nutplate on is going to be hard with all the control pushrods in place already.
Marking the rivets that need drilled out.
Section OP62 New IO-390-EXP119 Mods 3.5 Hours