RV14 Build April 21
Avionics Panel
Since the wings are going back to Vans I decided to install the pito lines into the fuselage and leave the extra to run into the wings after they are installed.
First I splices the static line in near the fuel pump. Ran 1 end the the AHRS and the other to a back up static source.
Back up static valve, just needs to have the hole drilled in the panel and installed. The switch doesn't take much to engage so Ill probably add a flip up red cover to make sure it doesn't accidentally turn on.
I ended up using a 90 degree fitting to the threaded T on the AHRS, the 90 put less stress on the tube connections.
Then ran it over to the G5.
Pito and static are installed. I need another 90 for the AOA and it will all be ready to run into the wings.
Pito Lines 3.5 hours