RV14 Build October
Canopy Harness
From other post I found it was a good idea to wire the Canopy Latch switch during the canopy build process. So these were already in place for the wiring.
You can see the coiled wire at the front of the canopy assembly.
So definitely optionally added more work for myself here. I didn't like the way the wire were planned to run from the defrost fans. So I removed the stop wires and soldered in #22 and spliced with a solder sleeve the ground from the vans into the ground from the canopy switch. I also spliced the power wires together in a more logical way so there is just 1 power for the fans, 1 ground for the fans and the canopy switch, and 1 switch signal/power wire.
All I need now is the LED light strip to wire in and terminate the ends into the molex.
Section 61: Canopy Harness 3.5 Hours