Showing posts with label Wing Rebuild. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wing Rebuild. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Wing Re-Build

 RV14 Build Wing June and July 21

Wing Re-Build

Just to recap. The QB wings that Vans sent me had a primer issue were the primer wasn't adhering to the metal, I decided to return the wings and came to a deal with Vans. I kept the QB fuel tanks, all interior parts I build, and they would send me a set of QB flight controls and a slow build wint kit.

First thing you do is cut the J channel supports to length.

Then you use the wing spar to match drill the holes.

There is some holes you wont drill until you flip the bottom J channel to the top part of the spar to pick up the holes. The plans are a little unclear here I felt but basically the hole pattern of the spar changes because of the access panels nut plates and you dont want to match drill those holes.

After Drilling you countersink and primer the holes.

Then install nutplates. Getting to this point is a lot of work. Lots of drilling and clekoing removing and repeating.

Next I fluted the leading edge ribs and match drilled the aft most hole

Flutting the wing ribs at the same time. Using a ruler to check the holes are straight makes a huge difference in final fitment.

All the wing ribs flutted.

Match drilling the ribs for the bolt holes. Some of my parts are final sized with the new RV10 kits some were no, but they weren't marked well so that was a bit of a challenge.

To save some time on etching before primer  i sent all the ribs out to be commercially alodined.

They came back looking great! The only problem was anytime I dimpled a hole the bending of the metal caused the alodine to crack off. Dimple first!

Getting ready to prime.

I installed fuel bungs in my tanks for the option to add extended range tanks in the future so I needed to cut an access panel in the underside of the leading edge of the right wing to match the left.

I wanted to do everything possible before priming so I jumped around in the plans a bit. This is the magnetometer mount getting match drilled.

Another view of it

Prepping the skin for primer.

Priming everything possible. This was 2 full days of priming, there is a lot of small parts.

Priming the landing light area flat black.

Working on the SB for the aileron mounts. Lots of small pieces to make up the bracket.

One bracket done, just need countersinking and primer.

Second day of priming.

Lots of small parts!

Let the assembly begin! Because of how tight riveting the rib to the spar is I wish I would have waited to install these brackets.

Building the rear spar. Somehow I missed inthe plans use a drill press for the final hole size. I did use a reamer but not a drill press. Vans says it will be fine and build on.

Magnetometer mount.

Leading edge getting riveted.

Looking good! I used sub structure dimple dies and this and I think the skin turned out really nice.

Reinstalling the stall warning. It feels great to be back at a point of putting components from the QB wing into these wings.

Riveting together the aileron attachments. 

Installing these on the rear spar because a challenge to rivet the last few rivets.

I had to modify my squeezer a bit to get the clearance I needed.

Installing the ribs.

Rear spar is on!

Countersinking the wing walk area. Im really glad most of the wing is dimpled. Getting the countersink to be ust right and not too deep or too shallow is tricky.

Riveting the top skin in place. I back riveted most of these and it turned out great! I did have a few rivets that needed replaced because I got carried away with the gun.

I use the tape to hold the rivets in and protect the metal from scratching

Top skins are done! and looking good.

Started to reinstall the wiring. You can see from grey self etching primer. I spot primed the ribs after dimpling where the alodine cracked off. I also went to larger snap bushings to accommodate the wire harness. I knew from the QB the amount of wires was just barely too much.

Setting the pito tube location. I decided to put it where the plans pito tube would go. It took some planning and mocking up to make sure I would have clearance around the push rod.

Match drilling the L bracket to support the backing plate to the rib.

Match drilling the skin

Installing the right wing wire harness.

Riveting on the bottom skin. After this point the wings are to the level of the QB kit that would have been delayed till the end of the year!

Installing the leading edges.

Bottom skin fully on! I did have to sand the bottom skins forward edge to make a better fit with the leading edge and fuel tank. This was true on my QB wings as well.
Wings are done! All the push rods, bekk cranks installed. Just need to match drill the wing tips once I get the flaps and ailerons. Also need to match drill the landing light lenses.

Re installed the wing tips. This was a little tricky since they where installed on the old wings, I had to match drill the new wing to the tip. First I lined up all the trailing edges and then matched drilled. I had to drag the drill bit around to "move" the skin holes. Then debur and dimple. Took 4hrs to install 2 wingtips this way.

Also, re installed the landing light lenses. I tried to just drill the holes in the in wing hoping everything would line up. The right side did, the left not so much. I also drilled the left for #8 not #6 screws, but nothing I can do about that now. Ill just use washers on both sides.

Wing Rebuild 226.0 Man Hours

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