Sunday, July 7, 2019

Aft Fuselage Assembly June 19 & 20

RV14 Build June 19 & 20

Lots of riveting here for these 2 days, some countersinking that I didn't see in the plans before priming, and a little priming on the bottom skin after I looked at how the skins come together.
Aft Fuselage

Aft Fuselage

Aft Fuselage

Dimpling the bottom skin

Riveting the Bulkheads

Missed a few counter sinks

Decided to use my solder iron to remove the plastic around the rivets to protect the metal when woking. Worked great....except i scored the metal with the iron so now I have to fix that!

Priming the bottom skin where the skins will overlap.

A few days later when I removed the tape I noticed what looks like surface corrosion! The etch got under the tape and dried, now I have to clean theses areas up.

Drilling the holes for the yaw damper servo mount.

Aft Fuselage 12.0 Hours

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